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War is Mel!!!


Within these hallowed halls you shall bear witness to all that is Mel.
More than an actor, more than a freedom fighter, more than HUMAN!
Mel is a being of unimaginable power, able to transcend time in order to help the downtrodden through the ages, plus, he's got an ass that wont quit, and those eyes, and..uh, nevermind...

Using the links on this site you to can navigate through human history and follow Mel as he helps those who need him most.

In the story of a post nuclear war wasteland, Mel saves the remnents of humanity from biker gangs and pirates. Why wont our government accept this film as a tale of things to come??

Braveheart was another great film telling the tales of Mel. This movie continued a theme seen over the years, Mel is the saviour of humanity!

In the documentary film The Patriot the story of Mel freeing the American people was told.


  The Road Warrior Prophecy     Brought to you by     I write the songs  

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